Yo everyone! back to post! hahas eh SPH my team 4x100m did a timing of 51.11sec haiz cant qualify for finals because all the 8 teams ran 46sec? Zzz which is quite fast.SportSchool broke the record!!! hahas since then i decided to train my track event bah (:
And Yea! i Gonna get this spike!!! soooooo nice :D
Back to post a short one! hahas Very busy for this week as there are common test happening on.Need to study but bad result going to come out next week bah...First is my maths get 7/40 which is lol la , i seldom fail maths de.And my chem get 17/40 -.-" What have happen? hope the other subject can get better result bah.God bless me tommrrow.
Sportsday today started with a light rain but still continue to run.eh i only take part in 4x400m and 12x200m event,overall result 4x400 came in 2nd and 12x200 came in 1st(3 years)then went out with classmates for dota war! hahas won 2 round lost 2 round.go home rest a while then went out with haorong and 1 of hes friends and liangwee to have dinner at long john sliver :D tmr have training man! what a good friday!!!! think going town tmr to buy a T-shirt and take my adidas watch which under going for repair. SPH relay is coming hope can win somethings!!! my event is 4x100m!
Haiz Wings quite a disappointment as we cant win anything except for wanping...Nvm (: buck up!! gonna work hard for another race coming up...i have set up a target starting from next self-training.
TARGET FOR NATIONALS!!! 4.5km-16.30mins-16.45mins 800m-3mins 800m-3mins 800m-3mins 800m-3mins 800m-3mins 500m-1.30mins-1.45mins
Haha.Woke up at 7am slack untill 8.15am then went to school process to bedok for training...So tired and timing for my 4.3km is 19mins26sec...Still have a long way to go!!! hope that during wings race i can do 18mins30sec and below bah! GOD BLESS ME! Think Going to watch movie with Trackmates bah so if anything i upload post again later (:
Hahas(: back to post after so long. Finally is Holiday!!! can finally rest abit nia because monday gt training at bedok at 8.30am then wednesday race leh hope can win a team medal bah XD today went to imm and lookout for some furniture.Then today i eaten alot,so tommrrow i must make sure i push myself for the training in order not to get fat!
Monday-4.9km run timing Tuesday-Long run with dragon boat bah Wednesday-X country training Thursday-Gym training Friday-X country training Saturday-10km long run Sunday-REST!!!
Went to topman buy T-shirt XD light purple and yellow. lol went together with limhao and hanyao,they go vivo buy slipper then i go buy T-shirt lo then limhao went off at jurong east,i and hanyao go jurong point for bubble tea and slack till 8plus and homed(: